Gaming Legal Group contributes various articles to publishing houses and scientific magazines on a yearly basis. A selection of published articles on licensing can be found below.
Trending now
Bas Jongmans
Gaming Legal Group
According to the plans of the Netherlands government, new legislation that should allow online gambling in the Netherlands, should enter into force in July, 2021. This timeline is not realistic. Predictions for the future are bleak.
Dead on Arrival
The Dutch are preparing to launch their market for online gaming. It is not a pretty picture.
Curaçao iGaming Licenses
Fact & Fiction
Bas Jongmans & Frederik van Eijk
Gaming Legal Group
Setting up your iGaming venture under a Curaçao iGaming license could provide online entrepreneurs with the best of both worlds. It is flexible and profitable. Without sufficient experience, however, the adventure might turn into a commercial nightmare. Some critics say that the Curaçao i License is not even legal. Bas Jongmans, attorney at law (GLG Litigation) and Frederik van Eijk, consultant (GLG Compliance) provide clarity on what is fact and what is fiction.
A ‘cliffhanger’: Caribbean
corporate service providers
prepare for OECD’s lasting impact on the Curaçao gaming regime
Bas Jongmans & Frederik van Eijk
Gaming Legal Group
In the July 2018 edition of Online Gambling Lawyer, Bas Jongmans, and Frederik van Eijk provided their analysis on the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (‘OECD’)-inspired changes in legislation on the island of Curaçao within the Dutch Caribbean, which heavily impact corporate service providers. With the transitional period already winding down, market participants are scrambling to make the necessary arrangements, providing them with a ‘clifhanger’ situation. Following up on their first article, here the authors take a more in-depth look at how things came to pass, and discuss how the local community is coping.
The OECD’s impact on the Curaçao gaming regime:
A storm is coming
Bas Jongmans & Frederik van Eijk
Gaming Legal Group
The Government of Curaçao, an island situated within the southern Caribbean Sea, also referred to as the ‘Dutch Caribbean,’ just off the north coast of Venezuela, has moved to implement Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (‘BEPS’) principles defined by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (‘OECD’) coupled with transparency provisions coming out of Europe’s Fourth Anti-Money Laundering Directive. Although arrival of such changes was imminent and marks a healthy step forward, local service providers that cater to the Curaçao offshore gaming industry, highly favored by gaming operators worldwide, might have a hard time adapting to the regulatory winds of change.